1) Body shop cocoa butter 2) Soap & glory breakfast scrub 3) Mac foundation 4) Mac eyeshaddows
5) Caffeine shampoo 6) Botanics bubble bath 7) Burts bees deep cleanser 8) Satin pure exfoliating pads 9) Lipstick 10) Roc stretch mark cream
Body shop cocoa butter - I really love this cocoa butter, I have tried a lot of cocoa butters in the past but this is by far the best. It is really good for applying to your legs after shaving, it keeps them smoother for longer. Also i use it on my stretch marks, and it does definetely make a difference. At the moment this is £5 from the body shop, and it can be bought online.
Soap and glory breakfast scrub - This is a brilliant exfoliator, I use it often. It leaves my skin feeling really smooth It also has a really lovely smell to it, I am a huge fan of all things soap & glory!You can buy this from boots £9.50
Mac foundation - I had this foundation bought for me for my birthday its £28 and its well worth the money! In the mac shop they applied some colours to me and found me the exact colour that matches my skin. I love this foundation because it can be used on the face and the body. It also blends in really nicely with my skin colour.
Mac eyeshaddows - I had this eye shaddow pallete for christmas, its from the hello kitty range of mac products. One side of the pallete has bright colours and the other has browns and lighter colours.
The picture in the middle shows me with the makeup on, its not a very good picture and my hair looks terrible!
Alpecin caffeine shampoo - I LOVE LOVE LOVE this shampoo I honestly only used it once and i seen a result it even helped with my split ends! It has a really nice smell to it, and made my hair feel lovely and smooth! A couple of years ago i had alopecia and since then i have had trouble with my hair weakening, this has helped to get it stronger! If anyone has trouble with their hair growing, this is the shampoo to buy! I'm very pleased with it!
Botanics bubble bath - At the minute my college work has been getting very stressful, and there has honestly been nothing better than relaxing in a lovely bubble bath! This is from the boots botanics range its £4.19 and although it is expensive bubble bath, it is well worth the money! It smells gorgeous! If anyone needs some de-stressing bubble bath, then i would definetely reccomend this.
Burts bees soap bark and chamomile deep cleansing cream - I had this from a gift set that i had at christmas time, i have only recentely started to use it and it is lovely. It smells stunning and it leaves skin feeling really soft. It helps to remove any makeup left on the face too, which is a bonus! You can buy this on amazon for £8.50.
Satin pure exfoliating hair removal pads - These pads really help to get your skin feeling lovely and soft after shaving. Any prickly bits that can sometimes come after shaving, they get rid of. Theyre brilliant exfoliators and i use them all the time! Theyre really cheap too, £2.39 on amazon, bargain!
Primark red lipstick - I own loads & loads of lipsticks, in lots of different colours. Recentely i have been looking for a red one that isn't too bright. I was thrilled then to find this one in primark for only £1 ONE POUND! I was really happy with this, and I'm really really happy with this purchase. I also like the pretty spotty design on the case.

Thankyou for reading :)
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