Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Getting fit & losing weight!

Okay so this is a bit of a random post for me to do as I mostly post about fashion & beauty; Over the past couple of months I have been trying to loose some weight. It had gotten to the point where I was extremely unhappy being the weight I was. I was going into a size 20 and I was finding it hard to fit into a lot of clothes. Now I am not saying there is anything wrong with being a size 20 but my BMI was high and I needed to loose some weight to be generally healthier and happier.
I am going to share with you some of the things that I have been doing to help me on my journey to becoming healthier.

A couple of months ago I joined slimming world. I stayed in slimming world for a few months but I found that going to weigh-ins every week was making me stressed and nervous incase I had put on any weight, plus it is £5 every week. So instead I have been doing my own version of slimming world with help from my family. Every week we weigh and put £3 into a money box. At the end of the month whoever looses the most weight will get all the money in the money box which is £48. It gives you something to aim for and it really helps to keep you on track of weight loss. Because lets face it everybody would love to have an extra £48.

Okay so here are some of the things that I do:

  • Green tea - When I first starting drinking green tea I thought it was disgusting! Now I actually quite like it. Green tea helps to boost matabolism, which then boots weight loss. It also has many other health benefits. I actually done a bit of online research on green tea and I found lots of websites containing the benefits. This is one of them!   
    You can buy green tea from pretty much any supermarket prices range, but it is roughly the same price as your average tea bags.
  • Don't deprive yourself - Okay so this is something which I would recommend for anyone who is trying to loose weight. Do NOT fully cut out everything fatty/sugary. Have a treat every now and again. For me I like to have a curly wurly every day. In slimming world you are aloud 15 syns every day. A curly wurly is 6 syns. If you fancy a bar of chocolate every day then there is nothing wrong with having one. Here is the slimming world website which will contain a lot of information.
  • Exercise - I am one of these people who actually love to exercise. I am not a huge fan of the gym but I love exercise classes, dvd's and swimming! Swimming is the best kind of exercise you can do really because it works all the muscles in the body and that is definetly one of the most effective things that is working for me. I understand that for some people the thought of exercising in public is horrendous so maybe for those people an exercise DVD would be best. My favourite exercise DVD is 30 day shred. I actually done a review on this DVD a few weeks ago. Here is my review.
  • It is not a diet - This is probably one of the most important tips I can give! Don't go telling yourself its a diet tell yourself its a healthy choice. I used to really stress when I was on a diet about what I could and could not eat and it really helped me to just make healthier choices.
  • Fruit/veg - I'm not really a lover of veg but I really do love fruit. What really helps me is snack pots of fruit such as cherries, grapes and pomnegranet seeds. These help because when I am going out I can just slip one of these snack pots in my bag and snack when I need to. I know people really seem to babble on about eating your 5 a day and I'm going to try not to babble too much. But I will honestly say eating my 5 a day really helps to prevent me from snacking on unhealthy treats.
  • Diet drinks - Although water is brilliant for you I am one of those people who when i'm eating a meal I like a bit of flavour to what i'm drinking. On slimming world you are aloud as much diet drinks as you want. I drink a lot of diet drinks daily and this has never effected my weightloss. Plus most diet drinks don't taste much different to the full sugar!
  • Sweetners not sugar - There is nothing I love more than a good sugary cup of tea. I am pleased to say I have finally made the switch to sweetners.... I cant believe it but; it tastes nicer! So if you like the sugar then maybe I could suggest sweetners?
  • Write it down - Something that helps me is that I write down everything that I eat during the day, I will even do this if I have had a unhealthy day. I think it really helps me to keep on track of what I'm eating. Another thing I will write down sometimes is a meal plan. I will do this if I think that I am going to be going off track.

Okay so those are some tips that I follow to help me with my weightloss. So far I have lost 3 stone I am hoping to loose a further 3 stone! It has really helped to boost my confidence and I now feel a lot more positive about myself.
Here are some before and after pictures.

Im the one in white! I hate these pictures they're of me a year ago on my 17th birthday.

These pictures are of me now. A much more confident me! I realise that I have got a long way to go before I reach my ideal weight but I am going to do it i'm determined!
Oh theres something I need to ask; does anyone on here done any pole dancing exercise? I went for my first class last night and I LOVED it! My arms have been aching all day it is fabulous exercise. I'd love to hear off anyone who does it? :)
Thankyou for reading :) feel free to leave any blog links! I love reading all your lovely comments :)



  1. This is such a good post! It has motivated me loads, thank you!

  2. you look stunning and you look great :)

  3. You look great! Love the dresses, Katherine :) xxx

  4. I love your dresses, so cute, and your beautiful.. :)

    1. Aww thankyou :) orange one is from asda cream one is from newlook :) Xx

  5. Great post!! Well done on all you have achieved!! :-) I love green tea but only if its got a hint of flavour, and the 30 day shred dvd is so good :-) xx

    1. Thankyou! :) yeah i like it with some flavour sometimes too! :) yeah its great :D xx

  6. Congratulations on how confident you feel now and good luck with getting to your ideal weight - I think you look beautiful anyhow! :) xo

  7. Wow, well done on losing 3 stone - that's fantastic!! I lost 1.5 stone last summer but have kind of tailed off since then so want to get back to it. It really does make you feel so much better about yourself when you manage to achieve something though. Your own version of slimming world is a great idea too - the thought of some extra cash would spur me on too! I definitely think it helps to write everything down, otherwise it's easy to eat lots of extra stuff without even realising. Good luck with the rest :) xx

    1. Thankyou! :) well done on your weight loss too! don'y worry about tailing off since then, I've done that plenty of times before! :) ... Yeah the extra cash idea has definetly helped me!! :D xxx

  8. Oh, you're doing amazing job, Abbie! I always struggled with weight, and when I finally got to the one I wanted, I got bored and was actually trying to gain again so that I could get that competitive feeling back;-)) But thank God life threw new challenges to work on and I gave up that idea! weight loss is a great accomplishment that makes those who have gone thru it much stronger, disciplined and determined than those who never struggled with it! I'm really excited for you;-))

    1. I know what you mean with the competitive feeling!! I love feeling like I have got something to aim for :) .. Thankyou! :D :) xxx

  9. I have tagged you in the liebster blog award!
    Katherine :) xxx

  10. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I love to see newcomers around!

    I think that you are doing a good job in this weight loss. And I like that you are losing weight for health and not how so many delusional girls are doing for beauty. Of course, beauty is secondary and health primary. Keep up the determination!

    I'm currently hosting my 1st giveaway which ends this Sunday. 30 September 2012 at 12:01 AM SGT. If you would like to try your hands at winning something, the link is here:

    Happy weekend!

    1. Your welcome :) ... Thankyou! I hope to keep it up and not let myself come off track now :D xxx
