I have not done a blog post in quite some time now and since my last post I discovered that I am having a baby. Me and my fiancé are thrilled with this news and cannot wait to meet him/her. I am now 14 weeks pregnant so I thought I would do a post on my first trimester. In all honesty I have not been having an easy pregnancy I know some people have pregnancies where they experience no symptoms at all, I'm jealous of these people!!!
Okay so first things first I found out I was expecting the baby when I was around 4 weeks pregnant I've had a couple of complications so I have had 3 scans by the time I'm 12 weeks. Here are the scans, you can really see the baby growing!
This is my second scan, in this scan we could see a tiny little flicker of the heart beating I'm around 5 weeks 6 days here.
This scan is my most recent scan and it was my dating scan at 11 weeks 1 day. And here the baby is looking like a baby, I'm due on the 15th February.
Everything is looking perfect with baby and I will know what I'm having in 2 weeks time, I can't wait to see if I'm having a little boy or a little girl. My fiancé and I are really excited for that scan!
As I mentioned above I haven't had the easiest of pregnancy's I definitely have had my fair share of symptoms. My morning sickness started at exactly 6 weeks, I will say morning sickness does not just mean the mornings, I would mainly get it in the afternoons and in the evenings and often if I start early In work I would have it in the mornings in work. Morning sickness was so unpleasant, it has luckily worn off slightly now but it can strike you at any time, 4 days ago I was driving my car and ended up being sick in the actual car, really not a nice experience at all (the car has now had a thorough cleaning.) I didn't really find anything helped with my morning sickness other than drinking little sips of water and avoiding anything heavy on the stomach. Crisps are also making me sick in this pregnancy so I'm not eating them at all. Some people say to try ginger biscuits, drinking flat full fat coke, and peppermint tea. These tips may work for others if you are currently experiencing morning sickness.
I have also been experiencing tiredness, I'm feeling tired all of the time. This is no matter how much sleep I get, I seem to spend a lot of my time in bed since being pregnant.
Other symptoms I've had is - aching muscles, disgusting taste in my mouth, feeling emotional, dizziness, fainting and needing to pee a lot.
I have not yet experienced any weird cravings as such but I have had a few cravings, I've craved lollipops, I now eat about 10-15 of them a day. I've also craved milk, I'm not really a milk drinker at all but I have been drinking milk in pregnancy. Also I've been eating a lot of ice, I think this is due to heat also, where I'm living we are having hot weather at the moment. I can't wait till winter already, haha!
I know I've had a rough pregnancy so far but I am really looking forward to meeting my baby and I'm so excited for upcoming scans to see how the baby is growing. I can't say I'm loving pregnancy because I'm not so far due to the symptoms and things that I have had. I'm hoping that my second trimester goes a lot easier, fingers crossed!
Thanks for reading, bye!! Xxxx
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